Sunday, June 27, 2010

Not our usual Saturday night

No, our usual Saturday night routine doesn't normally include a tux, sequins and a limo; however, Eric's boss was nominated for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the year award, and we were invited to tag along.

Waiting for our ride... fun with our camera's remote control

The nominee and his lovely wife

Little black dresses were the theme for the evening. And we didn't even plan it.

The ballroom

The nominee

Cute little yellow cowbells. More fun than clapping

We had a great time with Eric's co-workers and their wives. Congratulations to Jeff Hook and everyone at Fellowship Technologies!

Including my handsome Bond, Eric Bond. Shaken not stirred.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Whitney & Jason gettin' hitched

I love weddings just as much as the next person. Really. I do. Flowers, dancing, vows of eternity before God and a bunch of people you love, like & sorta-kinda know... A beautiful gown, cake and cake. Coupled together with the absence of anxiety from my own Xanax-induced nuptials.*

What's not to love, right?

Some are sweet, some are fun, some are both. Some are obligatory. Oh no, not yours. I'm not referring to any of you. Your wedding was/will be amazing. (Smiley face)

Some knock it outta the park like Mr. & Mrs. Loyd.
You may remember our trip to Arkansas for the New Year's engagement party shindig. Well, the beautiful couple tied the knot May 8th on Seacrest Beach in Florida, and we had one heck of a parrr-tayyy!

*Eric just read my post and wants to make sure everyone know HIS nuptials were not Xanax-induced.

Arriving at PNS from all corners of the globe (er, East coast & Texas.) Heading to Seacrest Beach: six peeps, five suitcases, seven carry-ons and two fedoras all in one mini van.

Why, thank you. I'm glad to be here too.

Rehearsal dinner

Bridal Luncheon

Heading down to the ceremony - scouting for gobs of oil (Ok, I know. Inappropriate. No more BP jokes.)

You can take the wedding party out of Arkansas....

Mr. and Mrs. Beautiful

The bridesmaids & groomsmen (I just love these colors!)

Handsome devils

Handmade by the bride's amazing, talented Mama.

Let's get this party started

See the starfish decorating the top and around the tiers? *Sigh* gorgeous.

Bunches of weddings, kiddos and life experiences later... we've come a long way since the good 'ole days in the Big Green Lima Bean

Happy Honeymoon!

Heading home Sunday. We were pooped after an awesome weekend celebrating the marriage of Whitney and Jason and reconnecting with old friends.
What a trooper. "Hunni, I've ne-vah seen so much bee-ah consumed in my whole life!"

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Electric eels, sharks, and conch salad - our Bahamian adventure!

Every year one of my customers, a national restaurant chain, holds their annual convention in a fun and exotic location (hey, how else are they going to get folks to travel over a weekend to learn more about chicken?) Last year we met in Bermuda, and I went solo = no fun. So this year I had very little problems coaxing @ericsoon to tag along. The convention was held at the Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island.

Day 1
View from our room

We quickly learned if a real Bahamian experience was what we were after it'd require leaving the comfort of our overpriced resort island. We decided to cheerfully and willingly forgo the $40 hamburger for some local island cuisine.

Day 2
The bridge escaping Atlantis

The other side of that bridge

Look real close... which one of these things is not like the other one?

Freshly caught conch. This is the end of their road. They are lying there waiting to be "conked" out of their shell, chopped up and tossed into a salad.

Said salad is delicious. We made multiple trips to the other side of the tracks to enjoy the Bahamian Conch Salad:

- Conch meat
- onion
- green pepper
- celery
- cucumber
- tomatoes
- lime juice
- wine vinegar
- orange juice
- Worcestershire sauce

Full meal: Conch salad, fish (caught, fried & eaten in under 20 mins), coconut bread, Sky juice (not for the low of tolerance)

Conch graveyard

After our Anthony Bourdain dining experience we ventured out and about Nassau and headed downtown to check out the big cruise ships. Some of the more interesting finds along the way....

Upscale island shopping! For all your jew-ellery needs

An exclusive Chinese restaurant

Cruise ship parking lot

Oh Yes, we did. Out of fear of blending in too much with the locals we decided it was time to redeem our tourist status and rent one of those scooters. Unlike the US, which requires signing your life away and sacrificing your first born before anyone'll rent you a motorized vehicle, the good people of the Bahamas place amazing faith and trust into the hands of their renters. With a handshake and a crash course in Scooter-driving: "Don't crash it," we were off. After a shaky start and two near misses we tooled around town like a couple of pros. And like all good tourists our look was complete with safety helmets, camera, and no sense of direction. Oh, and Eric had on his running shoes.

Stopped at a local beach just to check it out

Sexy scooter-driver showing off his winter glow

The Dig
After surviving the scooter as well as contact with the outside world we headed back to our Safety Zone. We grudgingly spent five grand on dinner for two at one of the Atlantis restaurants then visited the casino to watch other people lose money.

Sidenote: those Atlantis folk are tricky. From the hotel room one must walk through the casino to get anywhere.

All efforts were made to avoid temptation of video poker. One of us was not successful. (hint: it wasn't me.) We collected our winnings and decided to do something at the resort that wouldn't require cashing in my 401K. So we walked around.

Not knowing it even existed, we stumbled upon the lost city of Atlantis. Or at least a replica of what someone thinks it might look like. The Dig is an aquarium underneath the lobby of the Royal Towers. This is the world's largest open air marine habitat and represents the lost city of Atlantis. We spent an hour enjoying hundreds of different fish and sea things.

From normal-looking fish....

to freaky-looking fish

to just plain cool...

And cute. Why, hello, little sea horse

See Eric? He's day dreaming of how many meals he could make off Goliath Grouper

Then we were Finding Nemos...

"Just imagine... you and your Prince.... together.... forever."

To cap off our evening we headed down to the beach. Not that we could see anything, but we did get a great view of Atlantis at night. See that little bridge connecting the two towers? That's the Bridge Suite, and at one time the most expensive hotel room in the world. Nightly rate is $25,000. We really enjoyed it. *wink*

Day 3
We decided to check out all the fun water activities in the resort. I HIGHLY recommend this place if your adventure leads you to the Bahamas. There is no shortage of things to do, and it truly is a great family destination.

Predator Lagoon - We counted over TEN sharks swimming around in this pool. And who wouldn't want to float through a tube that flows through the middle of shark-infested waters?

We hung up our camera and spent the remainder of our vacation poolside, beach-side and food-side.